Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 2019 Latter-day Saint Bullet Journal Spreads

I started bullet journaling in January 2019, in a slim paperback notebook. September 2019 I'm starting a new bullet journal (Dingbats dotted blue). The pages are drastically different from the notebook I was using before, so I had to reinvent how I do all my spreads.
I wanted to include reminders to visit the temple, a place to record what I had fasted for, an outline of the week's Come, Follow Me goals, as well as space to track money and goals.

5-4-3-2-1 Goals

Before diving into my September pages, I took some time to think about 5 year goals (this is a new journal). I started by listing each of my children, along with the age that child will be in five years. Then I jotted down a 2-4 things that came to my heart when I imagined that child at that age. These aren't strictly goals, since they are contingent on another person's agency, but as a mother it gives me a vision of what direction I am attempting to nurture my children.
Then I wrote a list of things I hope to have achieved within five years.
Under my 5 year goals, I wrote a series of 4 month goals. For example, if I want to see a child in college in five years, I want to see certain grades this first trimester.

What's in My Monthly/Goal Spread?

The first part of my September monthly spread had smaller goals: 3 weeks, 2 days, and 1 hour. These are my baby steps toward those bigger 4 month (and ultimately 5 year) goals. 3 weeks was a perfect length for a big project (read 300 pages in Don Quixote) and tracking new habits (remind S. to say his personal prayers each morning. If something could be done in one sitting and under an hour (schedule a dentist appointment or temple interview or work on Personal Progress) it went under 1 hour. Slightly more involved goals (like family temple trip or writing a short story) went under 2 days.
On the facing page: I left space to record what I was fasting for, when I visited the temple that month, things I am grateful for or praying for, as well as a place to jot down things to discuss with my husband. He works 4-10s, so sometimes I think of things we need to discuss that I don't get around to discussing with him until the weekend. This helps me remember what those important things are.
This page is more like a journal or list.

A Meeting Page 

I am currently a Beehive advisor. During a typical month, I meet once with all of the adult YW leaders, and once with the (young) Beehive class presidency (and another adult). These meetings typically have printed agendas, but I usually find that the number of notes I really need boils down to a lot less paper. Keeping my class notes here in my planner helps me stay organized in my calling.
In case you're wondering, the facing page is for me to plan my 4-year old's home preschool.

What's in My Weekly Spreads?

Right now I have an everything-at-a-glance weekly spread. The good news is I don't have to flip back-and-forth to find my budget, to-do-list, or Come, Follow me plans. The bad news is that I have to write small and don't have much visual "breathing room." By the end of the week the pages are written all over.
On the first page of the spread I have space for my weekly budget (yes, we get paid weekly. Weird. I know) and Sunday through Thursday.

The second page only has Friday and Saturday (weekend!) so I have space for a lot more. At the top of the page is a scripture quote from that weeks CFM reading. On the right I have space to record what I'm praying for and thankful for. As the family reads parts of CFM, I can color-in the spine of the corresponding book. It's cute and encourages me to encourage the family to make it happen. I also jot down a few favorite verses. On nights we don't have time for lengthy reading, we read and explain a single verse or two or three.

At the bottom of the page I have my "trackers." Some of my 3-week goals are habits. A daily tracker helps me track whether I am being successful in those goals. Some of my 3-week goals are more quantity based: read or write a certain number of pages, or help my student driver get in a certain number of hours. So I have a "Daily Tracker" and a "Quantity Tracker" side-by-side.
In the corner of the page you can see I have jotted down my smallest goals (2 day and 1 hour). I picked a few from the monthly spread so I don't have to keep looking back at the big list.

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