Monday, July 22, 2019

My Daughter's Personal Progress Projects

It's summer break! That means less than six months left for young women to do their Personal Progress before the new program is ushered in. Thanks to some proactive leaders in our last ward, my daughter (a 13-year old Mia Maid) had much more done than I had assumed. With no summer job or summer school to take up her time, she has the possibility of finishing almost everything except the virtue project (reading the entire Book of Mormon) by Labor Day.
To simplify things, we made three lists of what remains to be done: multi-week experiences, experiences that can be done in one sitting, and projects. The simplified checklist, which only contains what needs to be done, makes it easier to choose what to work on next.
Being a visual-creative person, most of her projects are somewhat artistic.

Personal Progress Value "Projects"
Faith: she chose (and I paid for) a journaling edition of The Book of Mormon. She will spend at least ten hours illustrating her copy.
Divine Nature: a lot of the suggested activities seemed to be about preparing for motherhood. She plans to earn her Red Cross certification for babysitting (this class can be done online). If that doesn't take ten hours by itself, she will certify in first aid (a class that must be done in person).
Individual Worth: Create a family history photo book. I'll let her on my Shutterfly account for this.
Knowledge: She wants to be an interior designer when she grows up. We are having a house built, and for her project she is going to create a "mood board" showing her plans for her new room. If the board doesn't take ten hours by itself, she might paint a dresser, sew a pillow cover, or upholster a tuffet.
Choice and Accountability: An ongoing hobby for my daughter has been fashion design. She even went to a fashion design summer camp last year. She is going to create a portfolio of her own designs of modest formal wear.
Good Works: Already done! Last fall she took part in a "Helping Hands" project to muck-out homes damaged by Hurricane Florence. She went down two separate weekends and worked hard.
Integrity: This is the only one we are undecided on at this point. She might do a series of social media graphics with integrity quotes, or paint a canvas. We agreed to get underway with the other projects before she had to make up her mind on this one.
Virtue: This one is decided for us. Everyone is required to read the entirety of The Book of Mormon for their virtue project.

Wish us luck! We have a lot of work ahead of us (she doing the work, and me reminding her to do the work).

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