Sunday, May 9, 2010

Books My Mother Gave Me

The first book I remember my mother giving me was Meet Kirsten, for Christmas when I was 7. Receiving books for Christmas and Birthdays was an ingrained tradition in our family--they didn't even have to be new, as long as the story was worthwhile! In subsequent years, I devoured each new American Girls historical book, the Boxcar Children, The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables (the whole series), The Chronicles of Narnia, Dealing with Dragons and Beauty, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Entering my teen years, I started borrowing from my mom's collection. Pride and Prejudice was lovingly struggled through on a road trip when I was 12 or 13. I still don't know if Mom planted it in the luggage for myself or her own leisurely reread.

Mom didn't just give books, she gave examples: reading in the kitchen, the car, between chores, waiting for appointments, feeding the baby, and just because. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at finding her the food editor of the world-famous literary blog, The Uncrushable Jersey Dress. Even less surprising is that I have continued the book giving tradition with my own family. Now I give books for Christmas and birthdays--and they don't always have to be new, especially if the story is worthwhile!

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